Make a Map

The Critical Path should be discussed after a Problem Statement has been agreed upon. Once completed, the Critical Path should give a step-by-step map of the user’s most critical experience, from having the problem to solving the problem, and every step in-between.


Why should we do this exercise?

This exercise helps us to get an initial idea of what the product could look like down on paper. Once we have a base it is easier to expand, test and iterate on it.


Starting with the Problem Statement as the first step, as a group, use your understanding of the Problem Statement to map out the steps of the user’s journey through solving that problem.

The Facilitator should draw the flow using a shared art board like Miro or Google Jamboard. This flow can be very simple and can comprise of a series of sticky notes with key points, actions or events.

Keep adding steps until you’ve reached a solution.

Record all ideas in a separate document or Trello if it makes it easier for your team to manage.


Try to identify and document any assumptions that are being made about the user and how they will use the product. We should try to test these assumptions in our prototype or while speaking with our experts.


A sketch of the journey a user would take through a website or app

A sketch of the journey a user would take through a website or app